Exciting Music Course, from 4 years old
As part of our program, we offer an exciting Music Course in English, taking place in Vienna’s 3rd district. Your child will learn English, alongside their professional music lessons. The music course is designed for different levels – the beginners‘ course starts with the first note „C“. Children learn to recognise the tones, to remember them with our table bells, boom-whackers and hand signs, and eventually play little pieces themselves!
This course focuses on learning musical components as well as lots of fun and games. Our trainers use German – in addition to English – to introduce the music to the children.
Cooperation with a renowned provider
We are an authorised licensing partner of ProdigiesMusic, an American provider with a globally proven concept. In order to ensure the quality, we also work with the original videos provided to us, which ensure an entertaining method of learning. Our trainers are appropriately trained and equipped with all the necessary materials.
Take the course home with you
For all our clients of a music course or of the native4kids coaching program, we offer a discounted access at home. This means that the children can still access the extensive library at any time after the course, and watch all the videos on their PC, tablet or even on the TV – as often as they want and whenever they want!
More information and reviews:
Current courses on offer
Below you will find our current course overview. If you are already a native4kids customer with the coaching program and are interested in the music material for your child, simply contact us by email or give us a call! We provide all instruments from boom-whackers to desk bells to ukuleles, plus as a customer, you get discounted access to preschoolprodigies.com’s home program (student version).
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Wir lehren Kindern seit 8 Jahren die wichtigste Weltsprache auf verschiedene Arten. Einzeln oder in Gruppen. Zu Hause in Wien, Linz, Graz, Innsbruck und Salzburg oder in unserem LernAtelier in Wien 3
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native4kids eU
Erdbergstraße 216a / Stg 2 / LernAtelier 1
1030 Wien